Reasons Why Planning & Layouts are the Most Important Phase of the Interior Design Process!

Does your kitchen have easy access to the living room? Does natural light flow into your living area where you spend the maximum time? Does your office space let you interact with colleagues without any hassle? Do you find it easy to move between different sections and verticals? If you answered positively to the above questions, you need to know that all of this is not purely coincidental, but in fact, is the result of a well-designed strategy which is known as space planning. 

What exactly is planning for space and layouts? It is probably the most fundamental aspect of the interior design process. It entails conducting an in-depth analysis of how physical space is used in structures, by dividing and allotting interior space to arrive at a solution that meets the needs of the client, whether they are looking to build a residential house or even an office space. It is the most initial step in the interior design process, which if done right, will lead to a fruitful completion of the project, making it the core step.

Why Planning & Layouts are the Most Important Phase of the Interior Design Process!

Let’s understand space planning and layouts in detail and why are they so important for every interior designer to consider.

Lack of Space:

The real estate market has seen a huge boom in prices because of the ever-increasing demand for space, making it an expensive commodity. Having your own space especially in metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, etc is considered an asset. This has resulted in sky-rocketing per square foot rates, which is why not having a well-planned space that suits the client’s requirements is a waste of the entire project. The process of interior design is all about matching functionality with aesthetics. For example, a typical living room will leave you feeling cluttered and claustrophobic if there is hardly any room to move around because of the bulky furniture kept there. Therefore, a consideration of the space available and how to design it must begin with proper space and layout planning.

Purpose of the Structure:

Before even getting onto the design process, it is important to understand the purpose and the use of the space- whether it is meant to be a residential house, commercial property or an industrial project. This is important to figure out because every type of structure has very different space needs and their ultimate use helps to decide the way it should be planned. In fact, some structures may need to be given the flexibility to extend their use. 

For example, an elementary school gym may as well be used as a canteen from time to time, depending upon the client’s needs. Similarly, in a residential project different rooms can be designed to provide multifunctional use. The kitchen space can be designed to cook as well as accommodate an extended dining space. Space planning is important in the sense of the purpose for which it is being built.   

Who Will Use the Space?

Your interior designer will most likely need information on who will be using the space that is being planned for. He or she needs to know answers to questions like: Is it a living space or a workplace? How will people spend their time in the building? How many people is the space supposed to hold? In fact, where office space is concerned, some of the factors to be considered include workflow and circulation, or how people will move through the spaces while doing their jobs. 

Basically, as a client, it’s best to appraise the interior designer of every single element that space should or should not comprise of, in order to arrive at the best solution. Open communication will help both parties to avoid confusion later or go forth and back on expectations and outcomes.

Selecting Furniture:

Believe it or not, without proper space planning, picking out your furniture can turn into a futile activity. Because the selected pieces could turn out to be too space-consuming or too tiny, leaving a lot of room unoccupied, making the whole picture look incomplete. Designing layouts and space planning lets you map the complete floor plan, which helps you estimate the space available for furniture and accessories in advance. 


So when you step out to purchase furniture, you have an idea of exactly what you are looking for, helping you to avoid impulsive buying decisions, only to regret later.

A Balanced Approach:

A good interior design project is the result of all the elements coming together perfectly. When an interior designer is able to integrate design, colors, placements, accessories, etc altogether in a cohesive fashion, that is when a place comes to life. This means that every space should have a good sense of balance between comfort and beauty, which is made possible only if proper space planning is done well in advance.

A Visual Appeal:

A well-designed space automatically attracts everyone's eyes, which is why some restaurants or places are an instant hit because of their attractive visual ambiance. Visualization plays an important role as far as space planning is concerned. How the different objects should be placed such that the space exhibits visual synergy, is an important aspect of space planning.

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Personal Preferences:

Your interior designer will most likely get all your requirements first on a piece of paper and then suggest the necessary improvements if any. The client’s personal taste matters the most, as they are the people who ultimately use the space. Space planning, therefore, should be a successful reflection of the atmosphere a client is looking to create. For instance, does the client need the main bedroom to be airy, cozy or just comfortable? 

Or does the client prefer artificial lights placed in different parts of the house or would he rather have the space designed in a manner that permits natural daylight to flow in? Once the interior designer knows what the client requires, space planning becomes much easier.

Space Modification:

One of the important plus points of space planning is the flexibility it provides with regards to future space modifications. Many times it is not possible to modify a space because of the rigid plan. So it’s always a good idea to indulge in space planning and give some extra room to make any future changes. This will help you to accommodate any new ideas that you have in mind, without finding yourself in a fix. 

Layout designing and space planning are at the core of interior design and therefore, an imperative step in the whole process of making a house your home!

If you are looking for expert help, get in touch with Hipcouch today!

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