Love the Tropics? Here are 8 Design Tips to get ‘Tropical’ Interiors for Your Mumbai Home!  

Believe it or not, it is possible to feel relaxed and experience peace even in the middle of the concrete jungles we dwell in today. How? By incorporating this magically stylish design right into your homes! We are talking about the tropical design, which is characterized by organic hues, lots of sunlight, natural touches and a whole lot of greens. Imagine waking up to a zen-like vibe of serene natural beauty or coming back home to an inviting space which is every bit of the tropical vacation you have been dreaming of! This design style is hands-down the best choice for everyone who likes to draw their sense of inspiration from nature in its various forms.

But there exists a thin line of difference between painting a blissful picture of tropical heaven and going overboard when it comes to designing a home space.

8 Design Tips to Get Tropical Interiors for Your Mumbai Home

We have curated here certain tried and tested tips and tricks for you to add a touch of tropical hues to your home and level up its beauty manifolds. Read on to know more.

Tropical Entryway:

The entryway is an introduction of one’s home-style and the perfect opportunity for the inhabitants to display what the visitors can expect from the hosts. A typical tropical entryway should have one dreaming about palm trees and sandy beaches in no time. Of course, since we are keeping a Mumbai home in mind, which can be short of space, it is possible to bring tropical touches in the form of certain mild elements. These tasteful accessories might include a wooden table, some white shells, a dash of greens in the form of potted plants, and a huge mirror, which will make the entryway look neat and spacious. You can also add a couple of lamps on either side of the table to make the entry area appear not only more attractive but also brighter even in the wee hours of the day.

Tropical Patterns:

Let’s admit it, tropical prints are gorgeous and are available in a wide variety. You can invest in some beautifully patterned pieces to bring that magic of tropical interiors into your homes signifying palm trees, broad leaves, and exotic flora and fauna. If you are someone who loves to add a sense of drama, opt for oversized tropical wallpapers which evoke a summery, beachy vibe. Don’t hesitate to go bold and pick out a heavy pattern featuring dense foliage and deep colors to open up your home to a tropical paradise. However, it’s safe to stick to an accent wall when covering it with such solid patterns to save the space from appearing too overwhelming. Strike a balance between simplicity and that thrilling tropical drama, and you have the perfect tropical home ready!

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Natural Textures:

Natural textiles and materials, like wood, wicker, cane, etc., work very well if you want your home to feel like a tropical sanctuary. Wood is the most versatile and extremely raw material which can be skillfully utilized across the living area, bedroom, kitchen or just about any space. Most tropical homes focus on teak and mahogany for all their wood needs. With wood at the core in the given instance, this tropical home design looks artfully curated and aesthetically pleasing. The fusion of brown wood and green plants against the backdrop of neutral whites lends a tasteful charm to the house. Try to combine functionality with aesthetics, and you will have one of the best tropical homes to flaunt! Also, invest in natural and handmade products; opt for things sourced sustainably to add that extra authenticity for a tropical home. 


Since nature is at the core of a typical tropical design, try making colors associated with nature a common occurrence in a tropical household. Embrace natural hues of greens and blues and use them sensibly around the house. From pale and bold to subtle and vibrant, there is a considerable spectrum of greens and blues available to be used. Color a single accent wall in a tropical color or add the color in smaller doses on all the walls. You can also use tinted glass jars or artworks in hues of the beach to give a feel of flora and fauna around you. While at it, don’t forget to add splashes of colors, like red or coral, to enhance the space and give it a vibe of marine life!

Oversized Plants:

Nothing represents a tropical home better than natural plants, and if those plants come in oversized forms and thick foliage, you know you have hit the nail on its head! Popular interior designers agree that you don’t need to accessorize a tropical home because the indoor plants are just enough to accentuate its beauty. Think about including banana plants, lush greenery, and big potted plants. If you live in a space where bringing in natural plants is not conducive, add it in the form of fabrics and patterns through various accessories. 

Flowing Water:

Having flowing water in the house can have a therapeutic impact on the mind and body. It purifies your senses and lends you that psychological calm, which is often much needed in today’s stressful times. Several theories solidify a strong correlation between flowing water and tranquillity. If you are looking to build for yourself a tropical home, don’t forget to use the element of flowing water in various ways. Install a water feature as a décor piece, displaying clean flowing water and adorned with small lightings. If you do not want to commit to a full-on water display piece, simply have a wall painting hung featuring nature and flowing water. Doing just this will also add tranquillity to your space and add a bit of tropical vibe in the air!

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A tropical kitchen will boast of features like open space, natural light, and a breath of freshness. Your love for nature will be displayed openly in the form of fresh produce placed right on counter tabletops and will also add a vibrant look. Use organic colors like green, blue or yellow in different accessories, such as kitchen tiles or cabinets. Throw in a bit of greenery and wooden stools to perch upon and some wicker baskets for that extended natural flair to welcome yourself into a tropical kitchen of dreams!

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One experience everybody looks forward to on their tropical vacations is a well-designed and nature-inspired bathroom space, which entices one’s senses while bathing. Again, it acts as a form of therapy, and when you are building a tropical home, this space should accentuate tropics in all its glory! Wooden flooring, natural light flowing in through huge tinted windows and greens used in a tasteful sense are some of the aspects one should consider. Put up wallpapers in greens, invest in a good shower which oozes warm water, have earthy elements, like seashells in small pots kept around, and get your own little Bali in the middle of Mumbai! 

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A tropical setting is not difficult to achieve provided one embraces nature and incorporates it tastefully within the available space using some of the above tips!

If you are looking for a piece of expert advice, get in touch with Hipcouch today!