Vastu 'Unfriendly' House Plants You Need to Beware Of

One of the best ways to decorate your home is to keep indoor plants. Not only do they make your home look much prettier, but they are also known to attract positive vibes. Plants like Tulsi and Aloe Vera are Vastu-friendly and also have medicinal properties. 

However, are you aware of the plants you must steer clear of as per the Vastu Shastra? Yes, several plants are not Vastu-friendly and it is said that they might bring bad luck when kept at home. So no matter how pretty these plants look, you’ve got to stay away from indoors as per Vastu. 

Ten Plants to Avoid at Home as per Vastu

This is a list of ten Vastu-unfriendly plants that you must beware of and avoid bringing into your homes:

1. Plants that produce milk

Certain plants produce milk when their twigs are broken. Such plants are said to bring bad luck and must not be planted at or near homes. Milk-bearing trees like banyan and peepal are also a big no, as per Vastu experts.

2. Bonsai

It is not advised to keep bonsai or artificially dwarf plants at home as it is considered inauspicious. As per Vastu experts, the plant can hinder a family’s growth and might slow it down. It is also believed that bonsais might create health problems for the inhabitants. Therefore, if kept at home, the bonsai must be placed in an open space like a verandah or a garden. 

3. Cotton plants

The wintery cotton plants look beautiful resting on the windowpane but beware! This plant isn’t the best choice, according to Vastu. It is believed that cotton plants are inauspicious and might bring along unfavourable tidings when kept indoors. 

4. Cactus

A potted cactus might look pretty resting in your living room but it isn’t a great choice. As per Vastu and Feng Shui experts, this plant can be responsible for emitting negative vibes and attracting misfortune. As per belief, the thorns on a cactus plant carry bad energy, resulting in stress and anxiety among the family members. 

If you do have a cactus at your home or wish to have one anyhow, ensure that it is at the correct place. When the cactus is kept at a windowpane or terrace, it is believed to fight the negative energy trying to flow in. Hence, be careful while bringing a cactus at home, and even if you do, keep it at a place where it fights off the negative energy, not attract it. 

5. Babul or Arabic Gum Tree

The babul (Arabic gum tree) is yet another tree to avoid while building a home. It is said that the babul tree in the vicinity can cause fights and arguments amongst family members.

6. Tamarind (Imli) and Mehendi

Tamarind (Imli) and Mehendi plants are considered inauspicious, but it is also said that they act like a dwelling for evil spirits. Vastu experts often warn against purchasing or building a home that is located right next to a tamarind tree. As per belief, it is said that the presence of these two plants at home can lead to negative thoughts.

7. Bamboo plant

The exotic bamboo is yet another plant that people should avoid keeping at home. Bamboo is a popular choice for creating a quick wall around their homes to keep them safe and private. However, having a bamboo screen around your home can cause trouble for the family. Moreover, since bamboo is used at the time of death in the Hindu religion, Vastu associates it with death and disease. 

Note that the plant referred to here is the common bamboo plant and not the Lucky Bamboo Plant (Dracaena braunii). The latter is said to bring in wealth and fortune. 

8. Peepal tree

Although peepal trees are found in abundance in temples, it is never advised to plant this at your homes. Instead, Vastu experts suggest that even if there is a Peepal tree at your home, you must immerse it in a holy place or plant it in a temple. This is because peepal trees are associated with causing financial problems in the domestic setting. 

9. Dead and decaying plants

Any type of dead or decaying plant is never suitable to have in a home. Plants that are kept at home must be lush green and fresh, bearing flowers and even fruits. If you do have plants at home, ensure that you give them enough water and sunlight to allow them to grow beautifully. Dead and decaying plants must be immediately removed from homes. Dry flowers too are considered to be inauspicious and must be disposed of immediately. 

10. Date Palm Tree

The date palm tree is often associated with financial hardships. As per Vastu, buying a home where this tree is present can lead to financial difficulties. It is also said that this tree can adversely impact the health of the family members.

We hope this post will help you decide on the indoor plants that must be kept at your home. Some plants are considered auspicious for homes, as per Vastu. These plants are money plants, neem trees, jasmine, lily, lotus and orchid. Stay tuned for more such informative articles and Vastu tips on Hipcouch Magazine. If you are thinking about giving your home a whole new look, contact us by clicking here.