Smart and Compact 2BHKs in Mumbai Can Be a Reality

“A machine for living in” is how a house was described by the famous Swiss architect, Le Corbusier. This idea got translated into reality from the early 20th century. Things like washing machines, dishwashers, and other smart devices help make the home-keeping process efficient. Things like these come to everyone’s mind when we think about smart home ideas. We would instead like to share some ideas on the smart interior trends that can work well for apartments in Mumbai.

As people in Mumbai are used to a fast-paced life and always want to look for smart solutions for better lifestyles. We thought this would be the best time to share our ideas to help the people during the lockdown.

Clever and Compact Design Ideas for Your Home

We at Hipcouch believe that smart is not just about introducing smart solutions but making efficient use of the given space in an apartment. Here are a few tips for one to think upon when they are thinking of renovating or designing a 2BHK in Mumbai

Treat the Wardrobe with Mirrors 


This is one of the clever things one can think of when there is a lack of space for a dresser in the bedroom. This, of course, adds as another function of the wardrobe shutter at the same time reflect the greenery in the sparkling white marble floor. Mirrors on the wardrobe shutters can be a good option for people who struggle to fit in all the requirements in the tiny space of Mumbai apartments. 

Interactive Bookshelf


We recently did this shelf where the idea was to make the bookshelf more interactive. The client’s kid was into reading, lego, and playful things that he likes to have as part of his routine. To meet the needs and try to incorporate everything in such a way that he can still enjoy and doesn’t become overwhelming for him was a challenge. We played with the idea of open and closed storage and also introduced a magnet board on the side for this magnet collection. This kind of space offered him an opportunity to make a big play/reading/storage corner in the room. 

Study Table/Music Table 


Sometimes we do experience this challenge where we see clients are wanting to have a lot of things in a very little space. Something similar was the case and space being a constraint. Here the client’s kid was involved in music and likes to play keyboard, and we had to find a way to make it work. Something as simple as a pull out drawers for the keyboard was taken into account to help for a better experience. This design did not only helped in the optimisation of the space but also allowed the kid to find his naughty (favourite) corner. 

Playful Walls 


What if you can play with the walls around you. Isn’t that exciting! This is something we thought we can do to break to the boredom of the walls in the room and make as an interactive part of the space. We do face this issue staying in Mumbai where kids don’t step out to play as there are very few places where they can get their hands dirty. So, during the design process, we created a room where one can not only do the routine but play with the lego wall. It allowed him to be very active as this time it was not about playing with little parts but something even bigger than he expected. 

Here are the few things that we at Hipcouh have tried to incorporate in the apartments of Mumbai. During the process of these apartments, we as a team have learnt a lot about how can overcome these space planning challenges by simply think of innovating solutions. This process not only helps us to deliver good looking spaces to the client but also allows us to explore the creative ideas in our mind.

Why sharing smart design trends? It is only because we feel that this would be the best time to think about your apartments and find about what can work best for you. If you feel this is what you have been looking for and would like to get on the rollercoaster with us, please reach out and we will be happy to assist. 

Get in touch with our team of designers to get customised ideas for your spaces. Simply book a design consultation with us over a video call.