Modern Executive Office Design Ideas that will Win Hearts among Employees and Clients Alike

The office is where you perhaps spend more time than your home. And if you find yourself sitting at your desk past 9, trying to race a deadline, you’ve already tasted the changed “times” we work in now.

At the turn of the century, there was a pronounced shift in how the youth conducted itself. The average person combed his/her hair, dressed well, and went to work to an office. The time came when he/she spent more time at the desk than he/she would anywhere else. This way of working trended so exponentially that the new norm is undefined hours as opposed to the 9 to 5 of hay day. 

The Result: Redefinition of the Office


With the redefinition of the office space, the designs and layouts changed too. The typical setup of the office space, which was meant for people to come, sit and work, changed quite a bit too. 

Thankfully, Architecture is fluid that way; if it can influence and direct human behaviour, which, in turn, can be directed by the current socio-economic trends too. 

As offices change, the key challenge is how do you make these spaces live as opposed to mass-produced cubicles, which might make you demotivated in the long term with its monotony?

Office Design Ideas That Win Hearts

Below are some design and space additions at the micro and macro level that can make a world of difference in the behavior and reactions of your employees and clients alike:

1. Fluid Spaces

Most offices now use laptops as opposed to desktops, which can open options of working from any space that isn’t the designated one. Creating different sections where one can work to achieve a mood change can bring a novelty to work, and the user would want to try these spaces. 


2. Community Spaces

These could be spaces that are meant for a little downtime or community building areas. These could be informal areas where group activities take place or showcase pictures of such times. These little nuances help make the family culture prevalent just as it does in a home. This encourages the client that visits you too. They see an active interest being taken in the employees’ well-being and will be assured of strong service. 

3. Open Layout Office

We all enjoy open spaces as opposed to compartmentalised small spaces which block the visual appeal as well as hamper our thought processes.

To break this, most offices are now adopting the open layout, which lets the user see the space stretching in front of them. This can be achieved by glass cabins, communal desk seating, and lower partitioning.

Not only does open layout inspire the user to appreciate the mechanism of the company they work for, but it also makes them feel included when no space is restricted from view or access.

4. Colours


Colours can play a very positive role in defining the use of space and the reaction it generates. If the visual is colourful and stimulating, it automatically lifts the mood and can up the productivity. Using washes of the same colour with low catchy intones can make it very monotonous to the point that you stop noticing these. They just become unending stretches of blank walls to stare at.

Pops of different colours add interest areas keeping the mind active.

5. Artwork

Art can be subjective. So can be the focal points that you use to add that oomph factor for the office. Some may want to entertain high-class clients with iconic art pieces, or it could be art that reflects the vision of the company. Or it could simply be the product of the company being displayed.

These simple touches are highly effective in creating a feeling of well being among the users as well as the client.

6. Allowing Personalisation

This is a great little way of adding a few elements, which the user can totally make their own. This helps them bring a certain individualistic spin to the office space, which gives a little peek into their personalities. A bibliophile might bring some books to read which can be a conversation starter in itself. 

7. Windows and Natural Light

An office with natural light will relax an employee way more than a fancy chandelier hanging to light up the space.

The trick is to have the user tuned in to the natural day cycle. This subconsciously helps them peak productively and achieve more during the most bright time of the day. No 12-hour shifts can compare to the work done in those bursts of productivity by a fresh mind and body. 

8. Plant a Plant

Adding a plant will give you many advantages. Imagine a dreary desk full of work. Now, add a vibrant, breathing, green friend. The effect is immediate. More and more spaces are opting for indoor plants to make the place look chic and soothing.


9. Outdoor Spill Out

It is a known fact that we live in a crowded society. There’s barely any space from where the trees are visible or the blue sky could peak in from. It is essential to make space to let nature spill in. These could be terraces in high rises which can double up as informal meeting spaces.

The employees get a much-needed space to take a break or some quick meetings could be conducted with clients which would stress on the company’s readiness to experiment or be flexible in their handling of daily activities.

10. Display Areas for ideation:

Whether it is a bare glass partition that doubles up as a canvas for new thoughts or small areas for discussions, these places break the process of holding your thoughts to yourselves and encourage community discussions.


A couple of colleagues discussing a topic of work would draw more people to chip in with ideas which in turn helps to mix it up and get an out of the box idea. This is the same principle on which community spaces and youth centers work to increase participation.

Smartly made offices can help ease the strain of the competitive world. The careful planning and redefining of the formal stiff collar office is the new way of extending a hand to smart new talent. These perks add a certain value in addition to the package a company offers to its employees and clients. It shows the willingness to keep up with current trends and farsightedness of the companies.

Small ideas make big differences. Thinking and adding these could transform the space into something that is the need of the hour! It never hurts to show a client a well-groomed space of happy, interactive people.