Upgrade Your Kitchen with Membrane Finish: Here's What You Need to Know

Cooking is an art, and the kitchen is the refuge of an artist. And, it definitely helps if it looks great, along with being functionally sound! Have you considered a membrane-finish kitchen?

Who wouldn’t want an easy-to-operate kitchen, with state-of-the-art modular fittings and a dash of colour?

An essential part of getting the right look for your kitchen is the finish you choose for your kitchen cabinetry! The most popular choices are Acrylic, Laminate, UV (Ultraviolet) and Membrane. Let’s take a look at the membrane finish, which is considered to be the most cost-effective one!

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What is a ‘Membrane Finish’ for a Kitchen?

A membrane finish is Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foil. Available in matte, glossy and wooden finishes, the foil is wrapped around medium-density fibreboard under high pressure.

The membrane finish is economical. It gels beautifully with traditional and contemporary kitchen styles. It gives a smooth and rich look to your kitchen. And, you can play around with colours, as there are many colour variants available.

A rich look that doesn’t burn a huge hole in your pocket. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Is Membrane Different From A Laminate Finish?

Yes, of course. Else, we would not be talking about it.

The laminate finish is made of flat paper glued together. The membrane finish is a foil. Therefore, there is no concern about edge banding in this finish. Also, it is not glued to the wooden surface.

Let’s Look At The Pros And Cons Of Opting For A Membrane Finish For Your Kitchen!

Here’s why getting a membrane finish for your kitchen would be a great deal!

1. Better Shelf Life

The shelf life of a membrane finish is better than a laminate finish. The extra cost might be a good spend.

2. Easy To Clean

A cloth and a mild detergent are enough to clean the surface.

3. Tough And Fair

It is water resistant and can withstand different weather conditions. Makes it ideal for all weather types.

4. No Edge Banding

Does not require edge banding, as it can wrap around the sides easily.

5. Smooth Finish

It gives a smooth finish to the modular kitchen cabinets and wardrobes.

6. Offers Great Choice

It is available in matte and glossy looks. The various hues and styles available make it a joy to design your kitchen!

7. Economical

Easier on the pocket when compared to Acrylic or UV finishes. Without compromising on the style quotient!

Like everything else, membrane finishes have a flip side too.

1. Requires Work To Maintain It

It needs regular cleaning and upkeep. To maintain the look and style.

2. Needs Protection

Make sure it is not regularly exposed to sunlight. That can result in discolouration.

3. Treat It With Care

Over time, and if you use it roughly, the membrane finish can peel off. The use of steel scrubbers (many of us are prone to using them on kitchen surfaces) and strong cleaners will destroy the membrane finish.

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Make sure you do your research before choosing the right finish for your kitchen!

Get in touch with one of Hipcouch’s experts to know what’s best when it comes to designing your kitchen!

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