Know How Restaurant’s Interior Design Can Have a Deep Impact on Your Customers

When you hear the word ‘restaurant’, a number of images would probably pop into your mind – plates of delicious food, drinks in fancy glasses, flashy cutlery, and so on. But restaurants can be much more than delectable dishes. From the grand entrance to the comfortable seating, it is the restaurant’s design that will often have as significant an impact on diners and the food they eat.  

Every diner wants to experience something different every time they visit a restaurant. If they don't get an enchanting experience, they are less likely to visit again. This is why ambience plays a significant role in any food-service business. In fact, you will get a lot of people coming to your restaurant just because they like the interior design from what they have heard about it. Word-of-mouth and social media are the key drivers in today's market. 

To make a lasting impression and encourage your customers to visit repeatedly, you might want to consider improving your restaurant’s interior. Keep reading to find out its significance. 

Importance of Restaurant’s Interior  

You’ve already put so much time and energy into creating the perfect menu, advertising your restaurant to the right clientele, and creating a restaurant website that would be a feast for the eyes. But have you thought about your restaurant’s interiors?

The second a customer walks in through the doors, they’ll start taking cues about what to expect from the establishment. One of the major points of observation is its interior design. Diners usually choose a restaurant based on its ambience and decide whether it’s a good place to go based on how they feel while they’re there. This is why it is important to enhance your restaurant décor and match it to suit a vivifying theme and atmosphere. A captivating interior helps you create an image for your customers and retain them. A well-designed interior gives customers and clients an idea about the food quality and service you offer, even before they try it. 

Whereas a poor interior design and a disappointing atmosphere would make a restaurant stand out in all the wrong ways–it won’t attract as many customers, give a good vibe, or have a good reputation. If your restaurant’s interior design is not right, then you are going to end up losing your customers and therefore, your revenue. 

Now that you know about the impact design can have on your customers’ experience, it’s time to start thinking about what your restaurant’s interior design should be like.  

Designing Your Restaurant’s Interiors

The overall experience of your customers depends on the design and aesthetics, so you cannot afford to have unappealing decor. 

But with a great commercial space and a bit of creativity, you can ensure that your interiors wow any customer. Many different factors go into the design and making it right, and it’s difficult to pinpoint all of those. But fear not, keep reading to get some guidance on how you can style up your interiors to have your business booming in full swing:

1. Get to know your audience - 

Getting your restaurant’s interiors polished to perfection & keeping your customers happy comes with understanding what interior designs work best for your target audience. If you want to attract families with children, consider creating an environment that is more casual and relaxed so that everyone feels comfortable and at ease. If you want to attract youngsters, something more hip and loud would do. Whatever audience you choose, make sure it’s one that shares your values and will be interested in what you have to offer. Not only will your audience help dictate the interior design of your restaurant but also its location, name, menu items and more!

2. Choose the perfect style - 

Pick a style that fits with your concept. Once you know who your target audience is, determine the style of your restaurant based on what that audience would like. Ask yourself if you’re looking to create a fun, upbeat vibe or a more relaxed and intimate atmosphere.

3. Don’t forget about the colour scheme - 

Colour is something that creates a prominent impression on your customers. Try considering what type of food you will be serving—for example, Italian restaurants typically have warm colours with dark wood accents while Thai places tend towards bright colours like reds and yellows. 

4. Choosing the right elements - 

Once you’ve chosen your theme and colour scheme, it’s time to think about the functionality of each element within the space (such as lighting fixtures). Lighting can add warmth and create an inviting ambience or give off cool tones if the restaurant has modern decor instead. For a family restaurant leaning towards the luxury and classy side, it’s best to stick with basic warm hues. And if you’re opting for a style that’s fresh, cool, and inviting, you can even jazz it up with neon LEDs and other colours. 

5. Picking the right furniture - 

Finally, choose furniture pieces that are comfortable but also durable enough to withstand heavy use from customers who may eat there every day—you don't want anything too delicate, especially if your establishment serves alcohol. If your restaurant is leaning towards the millennial interior culture, you can opt for eye-catching sculptures, lanterns, and other upholstery that make a statement. Add pops of colour with your cutlery, chairs, tables, centrepieces, and other decor accents. Make sure that all elements like walls, tables, chairs match each other well in order to achieve harmony within your restaurant’s décor.

At the end of the day, your restaurant’s interior design should be chosen so that people feel welcome and are able to have a good time, no matter who your audience is. We hope this article was helpful for you to determine how and why you should put effort into your restaurant’s interiors. For more guidance and end-to-end design solutions, you may book a design consultation with us at Hipcouch, and we’ll help you achieve a restaurant of the ages.