Interior Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2020!

With the days getting shorter and winter chill setting in, 2020 seems like a blink away! The New Year calls for new beginnings and definitely looking into the new interior design trends that will see us through to the next decade. If you are moving into a new space or exploring ways of redoing some sections of your house, a sneak peek into what’s brewing on the design front for the upcoming year is a great idea.

Interior Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2020!

So without much adieu, let’s straight away dive into some interior design trends that will make their mark in 2020!


Velvet has caught the eye of designers as it is touted to be one of the major design trends for 2020! An elegant and luxurious fabric, velvet can uplift even a dull space like no other and can transform boring furniture into something rich and interesting. One of the top choices for sofa fabric for the next year is velvet, and in colours that are anything but traditional. Think vibrant blues, burnt orange, pinks etc. What’s amazing is that the latest quality velvets are so bombproof, that worries about spills, stains, wear-tear just fade away. Add some panache to your living space with this soft, cosy fabric.



Neutrals are an evergreen trend, one that has managed to stay on in the interior designers’ palettes forever. And they are definitely not going anywhere, but just being morphed a bit. 2020 will witness warm neutrals coming to the forefront and cool neutrals fading into the background. Shades like gray and beige will dominate the neutral scene, which can be incorporated as wall colours or even basic home décor such as furniture including sofas or bedding. Incorporating neutral shades in different areas of your home helps create a peaceful space conducive to relaxation.



2020 is all about indulging in some rich colours like pinks, blues, greens for the ones who prefer more peppiness and drama. On the other hand, sober colours like gray is going to be hands-down the top choice for people who like to keep it simple yet classy. But, it is upon the user to play with both the choices and create something that breathes life into a room. For instance, a light pink wall with neutral coloured furniture will equally paint a picture of sheer simplicity as much as a pink-coloured décor against a neutral backdrop will lend a dramatic touch, like in the two images below.


Cobalt blue is specifically the colour of 2020, which can be a part of the overall wall colour.


Alternatively, a blue-hued wall accessory revamps a simple dining area into a welcoming, beautiful space.



2020 will be all about creating well-thought-out and intentionally separated zones within homes, unlike in previous years where open spaces were sought more. That helped create the aura of a bigger space as well as provided moments of easy communication to the inhabitants. But 2020 will trend on more private, intimate spaces that seem welcoming. Open spaces may at times diminish comfort, like noise in all parts of the house or kitchen smells invading the bedroom space. So the upcoming year will focus on privacy, which lets each member freely enjoy their own space, yet at the same time provide welcoming environments where they can spend time collectively.


Natural Designs and Materials:

Again, an all-season trend, ‘Natural’ continues to be popular even in 2020! Studies have proved that proximity to nature or environments with natural elements tend to soothe nerves and provide serenity. Usage of natural materials like wood and stone are a great way to bring nature home, other than the fact that wood will be another major trending material used widely in 2020. Vertical or hanging interior gardens in various parts of the house can be incorporated to lend an earthy feeling. Not just that, your walls could equally evoke nature in its full form by covering them with nature based wallpapers. Bring home some flowers, leaves and soil in a diverse fashion and let nature play its role!


Outdoor Room:

Just as you would want to bring the outside in with nature, you might also want to take the inside out a little bit! We are talking about an outdoor room. The perfect extension to a traditional living-bedroom-kitchen space layout, it gives you an opportunity to go beyond and move around the house with much more room. Do not worry if you are constrained with budget or space, you can make the most of even a balcony and convert it into a full-blown outdoor room/space all its own using just the right accents.

Throw in a floor-seating option with some cozy cushions or a small bistro table and you have the perfect sit-out for anyone who prefers the outside air. Don’t forget to add some fairy lights for a dreamy look and bask in what you have created with simple efforts. An outdoor room is on trend with the next year interior designs!


Abstract Designs:

Another interior design trend of 2020 is the ultimate love-affair with bold and abstract designs, which have been around for almost a couple of years. It looks like the trend is here to last next year too! Using interiors in a fun, free-spirited manner, this trend is all about creatively expressing your own personality. It is possible to achieve this look by going abstract with geometric designs and vibrant colours. Use it on wallpapers, floor-rugs, cushions or in the form of a fun accent chair with geometric patterns.


Wellness Spaces:

Mind-fullness is another major interior design trend for 2020. With the various stresses taking over people’s lives, the homes of 2020 shout out for a separate space designed to help calm one’s mind. Again, if you are bound with limited space, pick out a quiet corner as a designated meditation or peace-zone. Separate it with screens using natural materials like wood, another design trend mentioned above. Add some scented candles and a décor piece like ‘Buddha’. Have a floor rug to sit down and feel one with the earth and let the tranquility flow within. It is often not possible to travel to places where one can unwind and relax, therefore, it is great to create a zen-like environment right within your homes, making wellness spaces a hot design trend right now!

Neo Mint:

A pastel shade of green, neo mint is going to take over the interior design world in the year 2020! A colour that manages to mingle technology with nature, neo mint exhibits a fresh, oxygenating tone which plays with the mind positively and instantly uplifts mood.

Think neo mint wallpapers, furniture, décor pieces, be ready to find this colour almost everywhere. With some great youthful vibes pouring out, the neo mint colour tone is definitely one trend to look out for in 2020!


2020 has a lot in store for interior design enthusiasts, trends that everybody would instantly fall for and would love to integrate on their home-front!

If you too are looking to get your interiors done in 2020 then get in touch with our design consultant today!