8 Things to Keep in Mind Before Hiring a Contractor/Painter/Carpenter

Are you planning for a big-time home renovation project and have no idea how to hire a painter, contractor, or carpenter? Before we get started, let us tell you that hiring the best contractor who can do the right job in one go can save you from a lot of trouble. Because let’s be honest, you don’t want to risk your home by onboarding someone who has no idea about what they are doing! Also, too many back and forths can quickly disrupt the budget.

But there are certain questions you can ask the remodelling contractor beforehand to find out if they are the right one.

Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Contractor/Painter/Carpenter

Following a process for onboarding any Contractor/Painter/Carpenter is particularly important. It saves you from any unnecessary hassle after the remodelling work has started. Lucky for you, with appropriate planning and professional assistance, you can save time, money, and a lot of headaches. Get real-time cost estimates, set budget and material requirements. Ask for reliable references about the contractor. Do an overall quality check before hiring. 

If you are still confused about hiring a Contractor/Painter/Carpenter, then the following questions and queries will give an idea about how things are generally done.

1. Reference from a reliable source

While scouting for contractors, get contacts from reliable references or sources. Having a recommendation from a reliable source will help you save the extra trouble to cross-check the authenticity of the contractor. Let’s face it, a compromised remodelling job could backfire on you in the future, so hire a reliable contractor/painter/carpenter who can get the job done right in one go.

2. Check the experience of the Contractor/Painter/Carpenter

Before employing a contractor for the remodelling work, inquire about their experience and, if so, how much. The more expertise your contractor has, the better the service will be. Therefore, strive to recruit someone with a considerable amount of experience. An experienced contractor/painter/carpenter will also have more confidence, which will be evident in the way they interact, work, and chat about the job.

3. Determining budget estimates


If you find a number scribbled on a napkin, the proposal is probably poorly written, unclear, and clearly considered as a RED flag. Well, jokes apart, you really should check the contractor’s rates and if it falls into your budget. General budget discussions aside, do have a word with the contractor/painter/carpenter about the payment’s terms.

4. Check the contractor/painter/carpenter’s previous work

Ask your contractor/painter/carpenter for some work samples. Check out the completed projects of the contractor for quality reassurance purposes.

5. General enquiries for civil contractors

Do not hesitate and ask every question that pops into your mind. Enquire if the contractor works with or without the material, and if you need to pay an initial deposit for the materials. Check with the contractor if he or she takes up marble laying and polishing work. Ask if the water-proofing work comes within the contract or if it is subcontracted. This will require additional capital, so make your decision wisely. If your contractor takes up plumbing work for bathrooms, then Viola! you have found your perfect match! In case, if the contractor does not have enough workforce, then you would have to subcontract his work to other employers.

6. Questions you must ask the carpenters

If you are a wooden furniture enthusiast, then choosing a tasteful and sustainable plywood brand becomes quite important. Enquire about the brand of plywood the carpenter works on. Some of the best and most preferred suggestions are Marine plywood or Commercial plywood. Check out the expert tips on reclaiming the grandeur of wooden furniture for your flat or apartment in Mumbai.

7. Run your requirements by the carpenter

Ask about the finishes such as the application of veneer or laminate that the carpenter has worked for before. Things will work in your favour if the carpenter has his own workshop for offsite work since you won’t be interested in inhaling all that sawdust, will you? No, right. Thought so! Moving on, don’t forget to enquire about the hardware brands commonly used by the carpenter. Some of the most hardware brands preferred by homeowners in Mumbai are Hettich, Hafele, Godrej, and Ebco.

8. Discuss latest painting trends and styles

You may also have a conversation about the most recent repainting trends and styles to reacquaint yourself with the many alternatives. Choose the one that is most appropriate for you. This will also offer you a sense of the painter's expertise in current wall painting trends and ideas. If feasible, request a catalogue from him so you may get a sense of the possibilities available to you. Check out the latest interior design trends dominating Mumbai homes this year!

Quick Project-Specific Process for On-Boarding any Contractor/Painter/Carpenter

  • Once you are satisfied with all your queries, brief the contractor about the project in hand.

  •  The contractor may wish to visit the site to understand the spaces.

  • You will be expected to show the drawings and scope of work to the contractor for a steady progression of work.

  • Once the contractor has visited the site, he/she might point out an item or two that was not mentioned initially.

  • After you have the final quotation from the contractor, review it beforehand and point out if you have any queries.

  • Discuss the technicalities of the project such as types of finishes, materials used, and joinery.

  • Finalise the timelines for project progression and payments.

  • Ask the contractor about the starting and estimated completion date of the remodelling or home décor project.

  • The carpenters and painters are required to share the quantity of materials required after the project drawings are shared by the interior designer. Make sure you cross-check the quantities before ordering the materials. This will save you the cost of excess materials because buying afterwards is always better than storing excess materials, right?

As more and more homeowners in Mumbai are working from home, having a fresh and creative environment has become a necessity. Trending and stylish ideas give birth to a multi-functional space. To have that dream home, you need to hire an expert contractor/painter/carpenter who can get the job done perfectly and in record time. Get in touch with Hipcouch the best and most reliable interior design service in Mumbai.