End-to-end vs Designing & Execution Only Interior Design: How to Make the Choice

People have different kinds of interior design needs, and part of the decision-making process also relies on the type of living space they have. But how you make the design process easier remains the ever-present question. Therefore, Hipcouch comes with end-to-end designing solutions and execution-only interior design for you to choose from.

How do End-to-end Designing Solutions and Designing & Execution-only Interior Design differ?

When you employ an interior designer or a design organisation to have everything taken good care of by them, you are using an end-to-end interior design model, also known as Turnkey.

On the other hand, in the Design and Execution model, various individuals, such as the designer, contractor, carpenters, and others, are commonly involved in a project. 

However, the question now is: which strategy is more effective and cost-efficient? Check out the below section to know more. 

End-to-end Designing Solution

As previously said, end-to-end or turnkey interior design solutions are when you delegate all duties to a single individual. You engage a contractor/agency to take care of your interior design needs. It is the person’s responsibility to complete the project; all you have to do is relax and wait for the task.

Pros of End-to-end Design Solution

There are several pros and cons associated with the end-to-end design solution. Let’s point out the same to make it easier for you to choose.

1. No additional fee or cost for a dedicated interior design expert

You get a reliable professional to look after everything when you go with an end-to-end interior design solution. One of the most significant advantages of this strategy is that the interior designer does not have to be paid individually.

Typically, a large company manages most or all of the project in this manner. The Turnkey approach is generally utilised for commercial spaces. The other option, Design & Execution, is preferred by most people who wish to hire an individual to design their home.

2. Materials and drawings are all taken care of by the hired agency

The firm you hired does all of the specific drawings when it comes to the end-to-end interior design model. To avoid confusion later, all material requirements are finalised before execution.

3. Complete transparency

All specifics of the scope of work are provided between the agency and the client at the start of this model. Rates are also pre-set, so you can estimate how much money you'll be paying. With the scope and cost are taken care of, all you have to do now is sit back and watch your dream workplace/home come to life.

It’s a one-stop solution for everything! From lighting to furniture choice and arrangement, everything is handled with the end-to-end interior design solution.

Cons of End-to-End Interior Design Solution

End-to-end design solutions also come with some cons. They are:

1. Not that flexible

Sometimes when everything is pre-planned and ordered, you are not left with the option to change anything at the end moment. In addition, your project is usually assigned to one person, who is not always a designer. As a result, there is multi-person communication between the contractor, the designer, and you, which also becomes a problem.

2. Conflict in preferences and choices

The agency you pick will provide all of the interior designers. As a result, there's a potential that the agency's designer won’t share your tastes and preferences. Every designer is an expert in their field, yet their methods of operation differ. 

Designing & Execution only Interior Solution

Different individuals are allocated different roles in this model. For example, you employ an interior designer, who then hires independent contractors and carpenters to complete the project, supervising and managing the person.

Pros of Design & Execution interior design solutions 

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing Design & Execution Interior Design Solutions.

1. Select an interior designer according to your taste and preference

Because you will be employing the interior designer directly, there is a good chance that the designer's taste will be similar to yours, which is critical for a project's success. If you decide to go this route, here's what you should know about when hiring an interior designer.

2. You’ll always get an end-to-end solution

This works in the same way as the Turnkey model. When you employ a designer, it is up to them to handle the implementation and deliver an end-to-end answer to all of your concerns. So, if you have an issue with lighting, furniture, decor, or anything else, you can simply ask your designer for help.

3. Flexible and personalised

Because the designer is in control of everything, there is a lot of interaction with the person. When you can communicate directly with the designer, the process becomes more flexible and fluid. More personalisation is possible with this interior design model. This is why many individuals choose this type when designing their living areas. You are more likely to be linked to your house than to your workplace.

Cons of design & execution-only interior design solution

Some notable cons of execution-only interior design solutions are: 

1. Designer’s fee is additional

Because the designer is a professional, the person will charge for their skills. Often, though, the designer will not charge a service fee if the entire project is their responsibility to supervise and execute. Different price models can be seen in interior design. To better understand the pricing or fee of an interior designer, click here.

2. No fixed prices

You'll get a general estimate of the total cost of the interior design contract for your apartment in Mumbai. The flexibility of doing work with the designers, on the other hand, may mean that modifications are easier to implement. As a result, the actual cost you spend is likely to differ significantly from the one you anticipated. However, you will usually receive a full Bill of Quantities with this model that will assist you in determining the expenses.

The question is, which model do you think is more cost-effective or will suit you better?

We would advise not to decide based on the cost of the models since both of them end up costing the same. Instead, the designer will often be more rational to think from a preference perspective and what would work better for you. 

For instance, if you are busy and don’t get enough time to personalise things from furniture to rugs at your home, then go for an end-to-end interior design solution; and if you are not that busy and want to make your place as homely as possible by filling it with your favourite choices then go for design & execution interior design solution!

Hipcouch offers both design & execution interior design solutions and end-to-end interior design solutions. Make your choice by booking an appointment with the best interior design expert in Mumbai.