Bundle of Joy on the Way? Here Are Some Cuddly Ideas for the Perfect ‘Nursery’ Room

The nursery room is your baby’s primary home. This happy place that welcomes the baby into the world should boast of a warm, cozy, and fun ambience. Of course, the nursery room should be functional and comfortable, too.

Here are some trendy ideas to help you set up the perfect nursery room for your little one. 


The Crib:

A crib is the first and foremost necessity of any nursery room. You may think that a crib is only a temporary investment, and hence may not need a significant thought before purchasing. Well, you’re mistaken here. Many babies may sleep in the crib for up to three years. Also, investing in a quality crib, which adheres to various safety standards, may be well worth the cost, especially if you are planning to have a second child, too.

As the cradle is the only place where you can comfortably leave the baby alone, buying one after looking into all the minuscule safety and comfort issues may guarantee you peace of mind. For instance, a crib with a toddler rail will be useful in those stages when the baby starts climbing out of the crib.

Consider purchasing cribs that convert into toddler beds when the baby outgrows the crib. As the crib is an essential item of a nursery, it is advisable to order the crib early enough before the baby arrives to give yourself the time to be prepared for any delays or damages during delivery. 

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Durable Fabrics for the Bedding:

Once the crib is done, the bedding required for the crib has to be checked next. You can experiment with beautiful colors here, show your creativity, and integrate any specific theme as well. It is always advisable to buy crib-fitted sheets in durable fabrics, especially in soft cotton, so that they are comfortable on the baby’s sensitive skin.

Ensure that you have plenty of crib sheets as you may require a lot of additional layers unless, of course, you prefer to launder regularly.  


The Changing Station:

There is no way you can get away from changing those dirty diapers. However, to make the experience as convenient as possible, a good changing table will come in handy. Ensure you have a well-equipped changing table with lots of storage.

Keep all essential things well within your reach from the changing station. After all, you would not want to wake up in the middle of the night and scramble for things leaving the baby unattended on the changing table. 

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The Ceiling:

While it is easy to get held up in choosing the colors for the walls of the nursery room, one thing that many parents forget is adding impact to the place the baby looks at the most - the ceiling. While the baby would not care how the nursery room looks like, what he or she will spend most of the time staring at would obviously be the ceiling.

Hence, the roof ought to grab a little more attention compared to the walls. The ceiling is a vast canvas, and you can paint it in various ways to your heart’s content. However, ensure that it works in tandem with the walls and prefer to paint it gender-neutral. 


A Rocking Chair:

Babies love to be rocked (though adults too do not mind its soothing effects!). Why not put your baby to sleep in a contemporary rocker, rocking chair, or hanging chair? Rocking chairs have been around since ancient times, and there’s a reason behind that. The pace of rocking can be a relaxing rescuer at the end of a tiring day when your baby would want to sleep. A rocker is also a perfect spot for feeding your baby or simply relaxing with the baby on your lap.

There are various models available in the maker from rockers to gliders, and some can even transition into a living room furniture later on for alternate use. Swivel chairs can also be a good option, especially when you put your baby to sleep and have to get up for various reasons without waking the baby up. There are nursery chairs with a 360-degree swivel function that enables you to grab something nearby with a baby on your lap.

However, they may lack the comfortable head support that comes in with the rockers. 


Enable Ample Storage Space:

It is easy to oversee the number of items a baby needs. Toys, clothes, diapers, and books, the list goes on and on. Hence, it is an excellent idea to provide for multiple storage options in various combinations and heights. Cabinets, baskets, etc., can be used to stash in all daily reusable pieces of stuff. Opt for cribs or changing tables with inbuilt storage. Get some organizers that can be mounted on furniture for that quick access. Make use of vertical space by choosing vertical storage options like floor-to-ceiling storage cabinets.

Repurposing existing items is also an excellent idea to add to the storage without spending much. Shower curtain rings and clips can be used for storing baby shoes, while ladders can be repurposed for storing blankets or putting up clothes to dry.


Side tables are another exciting and functional piece of furniture for storing quick-access items. Opt for side tables with multiple tiers. Free up table tops by installing wall sconces in place of table lamps. Ottomans with storage can also double up as a side table or storehouse for keeping clothes to be laundered.

Keep in mind that the storage has to satisfy the needs of not only the present but also the coming time and, hence, choose wisely. 


The last but not the least is décor. When we mention décor, the first thing that comes to our minds is carpet or rug. If you have wooden flooring, opt for a plush woollen carpet. Next, ensure you have blackout curtains to darken the room during baby’s midday nap time. Keep in mind that while doing the décor, there are no hard and fast rules. Just fill the space with things that keep you and your baby happy. 

The Bottom Line:

The very thought of having a baby at home brings in joy and excitement. That is why any parent would put all their heart-and-soul into it when it comes to designing a nursery room. So, keep in mind the above ideas and have an awesome ride with your new bundle of joy inside your whimsical nursery world!

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