5 Creative Ways to Add a Personal Touch to Your Master Bedroom Interior

When it comes to your master bedroom interior design, you want everything to be just right: the colour scheme, the lighting, the furniture pieces and even the accessories. Because let’s face it,  your master bedroom is probably one of the most personal spaces in your home. It’s where you retreat after a long day at work or school, get ready for dates or parties, and spend quality time with your partner. It needs to be a space that makes you feel happy, relaxed and confident. To help you achieve this look, we’ve put together some ideas for accents and personal touches that will bring it all together beautifully.

“Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” 

-George Bernard Shaw

And while we create ourselves, let us create our surroundings to match and complement the things and people we love. 

5 Ideas to Transform Your Master Bedroom Into Your Personal Sanctuary

A master bedroom interior requires more than just good interior design; and it needs to be an oasis away from the world that speaks volumes about who you are. To achieve this, you must incorporate creative touches with thoughtful details. You don’t have to go overboard with accessories and trinkets everywhere; instead, there are several simple tricks you can use to add a personal touch without disrupting the overall aesthetic.

So let’s get started! 

1. Colours That Calm

Design your bedroom with soft colours such as beige, purple, or navy blue. A bedroom is where we sleep and spend a lot of our time in the morning. You must ensure your bedroom has the right colours.

You don't have to repaint your walls to inculcate new colours; you can add them through decor, bed linen, wall art, rugs, and curtains.  

2. Light the Mood

Our bedrooms are supposed to be our havens, but they're also where we read, do crossword puzzles, dress, pack, and maybe even put on makeup. Each task requires different lighting to avoid frustration, mistakes, or insomnia.

Fortunately, the lighting experts at Hipcouch have some suggestions for designing effective lighting in your master bedroom interior design.

It is critical to layer your lights when it comes to bedroom lighting. You should have the main light source, such as an overhead light, and accent lighting throughout the room as needed. Place accent lighting near your bedside so you don't have to leave your bed to turn off the lights. Any desk or vanity in your bedroom should also have task lighting.

A soothing but functional bedroom is created using warm or neutral white light temperatures. Furthermore, all lights should be at the same or similar temperature to avoid clashing. We recommend a colour temperature between 2,700 and 3,000K. 

3. Organise That Clutter

A cluttered environment breeds a cluttered mind.

When getting a better night's sleep, most prioritise investing in accessories like supportive mattresses and comfortable pillows. But while all this is important, decluttering and organising your bedroom is one of the simplest things you can do to feel calm to enjoy a restful night's sleep. In reality, it's too easy for your sleeping space to become cluttered with clothes, cosmetics, books, and whatever else manages to find its way there.

It takes planning to ensure that every inch of space, including the walls and space under your bed, is used when organising a bedroom. The benefits of a well-organised master bedroom interior will be many, including giving everything a home and creating a serene, relaxing vibe. 

4. The Elements of Nature

No room is complete without adding indoor plants to bring the space to life - and the bedroom is no exception. A splash of greenery will not only brighten up your space but can also benefit your health. A few plants in your bedroom can improve your mood, reduce stress, and improve air quality.

Whatever the size of your room, there's a plant for it. For bohemian bedrooms, try a trailing plant cascading from a high shelf, a trio of succulents on the windowsill, or a tall plant in the corner. 

Here are five plants chosen by the experts at Hipcouch for your master bedroom interior decor.

1. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue – Sansevieria. 

2. Swiss Cheese Plant – Monstera.

3. Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum.

4. Silver Inch Plant – Tradescantia Zebrina.

5. Weeping Fig – Ficus Benjamina.

5. The Nook of Solace

Consider a quiet, cosy area where you can relax and read. A reading nook is a place where you can relax after a long day by losing yourself in a good book. While an entire room, such as a library, can be dedicated to this, a reading nook can also be a small and simple area in your home, such as a window seat or corner of your bedroom. If you have small children, it can be a peaceful place for them to read and play.

Your little nook can also be used for other activities such as meditation, listening to music, or simply relaxing in a warm and cosy environment surrounded by things you enjoy. Choose a specific location for your haven of peace. Then choose the seating, ensuring that it is comfortable. Seats with soft cushions and pillows that support various reading positions are recommended. 

Finally, consider using shelves to organise your books and choose adjustable lamps to ensure a good light source.

Your Sanctuary Awaits

Use these tips to transform your master bedroom into your personal haven, and when you go to bed at night and wake up in the morning, you will thank yourself for being in your sanctuary. 

If you are looking for professional help with a master bedroom interior design, you can Book a FREE consultation with Hipcouch. You can also call/WhatsApp us at +91 97698 91528 or send us an email to get in touch.