4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Choose Personalised Interiors for Your 4BHK Home in Mumbai

Congratulations! You are now the proud (and surely excited) owner of a 4BHK house in Mumbai, and that is no small feat! It is understandable if you are in a hurry to move into your apartment without changing a thing. But do you want to live in a catalogue-like house that lacks a unique ambience, charisma, and definitely does not feel like your own?

Personalisation is one of the most enjoyable aspects of home-owning. But more importantly, your house will be your sanctuary for years to come. It will be a place where you retreat to relax and regroup, entertain friends, and create memories with your family, and that makes it worth the patience to pour some of yourself into your new house!

With a little effort, TLC, and some magic, you can turn your bland catalogue house into a haven and a thing of joy. You can turn it into your home.

4 Compelling Reasons to Add Personal Touches to Your 4BHK Home

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If you are not convinced already, here are some more reasons to inspire you to personalise your home:

1. So that your interiors tell the story of you

You see, the thing about catalogue houses is that there is a key element missing from them. You! Sure, catalogue houses look good- in a catalogue (and probably in reality too), but they can also be cold and impersonal. Adding elements of yourself to your home will bring it to life.

Who are you? What kind of personality do you have? What are the interests of your family members? Let your interior décor tell the story of you and your family.

2. So that your home fits you like a glove

Everyone is different. Therefore your home should also be distinctive. It is a place where you can be yourself, your headquarters, and your oasis. It is a space you will form a strong bond with over the years. Thus, it is only natural that your home is an extension of you, your family, and your way of life.

3. So that your space complements your lifestyle

Personalising your house means designing it to suit your family’s needs and ways of life.

For example, if you often have guests over, it would be convenient to have a comfortable area to entertain. Or if you are a musician, you may want a soundproof room with the appropriate ambience, in which to play an instrument or listen to music without disturbance. If you work from home, then perhaps an office or a dedicated workspace is an appealing idea.

Your home should complement your lifestyle- a catalogue home is neither personal nor exclusive to your lifestyle.

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4. So that your interiors are more unique and attractive

Adding your own personal touches to your home means that it will not look like any other - it will be uniquely you! Adding elements of yourself to your home, will not only compliment your lifestyle but also bring charisma to your home. It will make it more captivating and charming not just to you but to all those who visit you.

And since it is a unique reflection of your taste, personality, and style, people can recognise it as your home.

So, how do you go about personalising your house?

A 4BHK in Mumbai is a lot of space to play around with. Customising it can mean anything from changing the colour of a single wall to recreating rooms according to your lifestyle. The sky's the limit.

Here are a few tips:

1. Bring in some colour

Bringing in different hues is a fun and easy way to personalise your home. Colour not only sets the mood but also speaks volumes about you! You could bring in colour with an accent wall, boldly coloured cushions, a piece of furniture, and so on. When it comes to colour, you have the option to go bold or stay classy. Or maybe a mix of both! So, go ahead, make colour a part of your story.

2. Artwork


Art is an element that will strongly define the personality of your home. Apart from being a valuable investment, art will bring other elements of your interior design together to create a unique character for your space. Art is one of the best ways to tell a personal story. 

3. Specialised corners


Specialised corners are economical and appealing ways of adding oodles of personality to your home. Give those quiet, forgotten corners a voice with potted plants, family photographs, and unique artwork. All you have to do is find a corner you want to liven up and let it do the talking. You can even transform it into your personal home workplace.

4. Use materials that interest you

You can use a variety of materials in your home to create different types of charm and appeal. For example, wood (whether in the form of artwork or furniture) would exude a different feel as compared to metal. What kind of feel or atmosphere do you want to create in your home?

5. Choose a particular type of design or theme

You could even choose a theme or design that runs throughout your home. Are you the traditional sort or modern sort? Or perhaps a mix of both? Your choice will speak volumes about you. A visitor to your home should feel your personality in the style of furniture, lighting, and furnishings you’ve chosen. 

6. Change up the lighting

Lighting is often considered to be a functional element, but it can create a pleasing aesthetic, a mood, and define the character of your home. You could choose simple fairy lights or lampshades or more sophisticated lighting such as accent or mood lighting. Using lighting to create unique sensations and experiences adds to the character of your home. 

To conclude...

In today’s world, where everything from coffee mugs to TV shows is personalised, adding a personal touch to one of the key spaces in your life is definitely desirable. Your home should be filled with things that bring you joy and reflect your way of being. All the different elements that are you should combine to create the unique personality and ambience of your home. It is a way to tell your story and express yourself through your personal space. But above all, your personal touches make your home, well, feel like home!

If you are still at a loss as to how to go about personalising your home, or you know what you want but don’t know how to get it all together, give us a call. We would love to help you tell your story through your home and take your living space to another level.

Contact us at Hipcouch to give an artistic touch to your living room interior!