Designing a 5BHK Home? Here Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid

A 5BHK property is like a large canvas, an opportunity to showcase your creativity. However, due to the freedom of space, people can often go overboard and end up making mistakes that could have been avoided with a bit of planning. 

And then, of course, there is social media. Influencing us in multiple ways and at times, leading us towards choices that we didn’t mean to make in the first place. 

But not getting swayed by the internet and carefully planning your 5BHK home is just one of the various mistakes that you must avoid. Read on to know how to avoid the most common mistakes while designing your 5BHK home.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Designing a 5BHK Home

Billy Baldwin said, "Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.” And this is something that you need to keep in mind. 

It isn’t necessary that what looks good on the screens will also look good in your 5BHK property. 

So, grab a pen and paper and take a note of the points we have listed. 

1. Following The Crowd

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As mentioned earlier, social media can influence our decisions to a large extent. You might love the home tour of a famous blogger and might try to include as many elements of their home in yours. However, what looks good in somebody else’s home might not work well for you. There is quite a possibility that a few things might appear to be a little odd as well. 

And then there are elements that are super trendy and ‘everyone seems to be getting them’. But then, if everyone has it, why do you want it? 

“Everybody ends up buying the same things and their living rooms turn out to be exact copies of each other,” said Phoebe Buffay in popular sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S. And that is what can happen if you blindly follow the trend. 

So, trust your instincts more when it comes to your place. After all, the property is yours and it must speak mostly about who you are as a person!

2. Forgetting About The Budget

A lot of people, in the excitement of designing the new space, forget about budgeting. It is important to know how much money you can spare for designing your property to avoid any hassles later on. 

Be it designing an entirely new space or remodelling an existing one, you must know how much you are willing to spend in the first place. Also, while drafting the budget, be sure to throw in a couple of extra bucks for expenses that you might not have predicted already. 

3. Relying On Ceiling Lights


Lighting can make or break a place. While those ceiling lights and windows seem to do the basic job, table lamps and floor lamps are must-haves to elevate the look of a room. Yes, ceiling lights can help you see but do they succeed in making the room appear warm and welcoming? Not really. 

A pretty table lamp, on the other hand, gives the room a gentler touch. Lamps can be placed at the entrance too to make a guest feel welcome. And lamps not only provide an extra layer of lighting, but there are also plenty of decorative lamps available that solve a dual purpose - make a place look pretty and give it some extra light.

4. Not Asking For Help

Working on something for too long might make you incapable of finding mistakes. Perhaps this is where interior designers come into the picture. If you feel like you are stuck, don’t hesitate from asking for some professional help. 

A common interior design mistake that some people might make is to seek solutions all by themselves, while it can be better handled by a professional. Click here to get some professional help. 

If hiring a designer isn’t something that you want then you can always ask a friend or a relative for their opinion. A fresh set of eyes might give you a new perspective and help in spotting errors that were overlooked otherwise.

5. Not Having A Focal Point

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This is a very common mistake that makes a great difference in the overall outlook of a room. Not having a point to focus on makes things appear to be scattered about. 

For large rooms, there can be more than one point to focus upon. For instance, a living room has a TV set (along with a PlayStation maybe?), a study can have a desk, or a hall can have a fireplace. 

The objective is to have attention focused on a certain spot(s) in a room and having the other objects point towards them. 

6. Picking Out Wallpapers, Floorings First

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What is the first step to designing a 5BHK property? Picking out the wallpapers, wall colours, and floorings, rights? Wrong. 

The first step must be the furniture or the colour of the curtains. You can always think about the wallpaper/floorings that will go with the furnishings but it is much harder to find the exact colour of the furniture that will complement the colours of the walls of the house.

7. Matching Everything

Playing a little ‘matchy matchy’ in rooms is okay, as long as it doesn’t go overboard. Yes, you might like having a blue sofa set since the curtains are blue but picking out blue rugs, a blue table, a blue fan, and blue flooring might be too much.

It’s important to mix and match the shades to create contrast and give a pleasing effect to the eyes.

8. Overstuffing The Room

One thing that people tend to forget is no matter how large a room is, it should not be overstuffed. Less is more, and the same goes for property too. 

Just because you have a 5BHK property doesn’t mean you must stuff it with everything you can lay your hands on. Having a piano in one corner seems to be a nice idea if you are into music. But, having a piano at one corner, a home-theatre at another, and a pool table in the middle would mean spoiling the look and appeal of the entire room. Hence, do not overstuff

This also includes accessories and art pieces. While they have a visual appeal, too many showpieces or paintings will only make your room look like more of a showroom.  

9. No Cord Covers

This one is particularly for the entertainment areas of a 5BHK property. There are various wires and cords lying around in rooms that can be the source of a hazard. If not that, they spoil the room’s aesthetics and must be kept hidden. You can try confining them into one place or hiding them behind a table or something. But, the best solution is to use cord covers. Give your room a premium look without any hassles with the various cord covers available. 

10. Furniture Measurements

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The furniture in a particular room is often of the same height, making it look monotonous. Playing a bit with the furniture alignment can work wonders in altering the look of a room.

Designing a 5BHK home can be a daunting task but you need not worry. With a bit of planning, everything can go smoothly. Click here to get hassle-free services that will help you design your dream space.