Essential Measurements for Your Home: A Guide to Remembering 5 Key Metrics When Renovating or Decorating Your Home!

'HOME IS, WHERE THE HEART IS' ... couldn’t agree more, right?

Creating Your Dream Home: The Importance of Accurate Measurements for Your Home to Avoid Nightmares! Sure, taking measurements doesn’t sound like a fun thing to do. But, it is crucial when you’re planning a renovation project for your home!

Taking measurements doesn't sound like a fun thing to do. But, it is crucial when you're planning a renovation project for your home! And we aren't talking about measuring the entire home. Just understand how these 5 crucial areas of the home are measured.... and we suggest let the experts take care of it for you!

Measurements will usually be done by the contractor or interior designer you decide to hire. Yet, it’s good to know just how the whole thing’s done. Let’s take a look at how you need to measure a room, before going for a makeover!

Essential Measurements for Your Home: Important Metrics to Consider When Renovating or Decorating Your Living Space!

Depending on the reason why you are measuring the room, the relevant measurements differ. You will need to measure the floor, if you are planning to change the flooring, or even if you need to get new furniture!

1. Measuring The Floor

Make a drawing of the floor plan in the room you are measuring. You will use this drawing to record your measurements.

  • Since you are just measuring floors, including windows and doorways should not matter.

  • Include all areas involved in your project.

Measure the length and width of the room’s main area. To calculate the area of a room, use the standard (Length) x (Width) = Area formula. Measure the maximum length and width at the widest points of the room. This is important and will help you get the correct measurements.

  • Make sure you move furniture and other things out of the way.

  • Ignore bay windows and separate areas like bathrooms.

Multiply the length and the width to get the main area’s measurement. For instance, if the room is 12 feet wide and 12 feet long, the area of the floor is 144 square feet. Your result is the measurement of the total floor area. Record this number on your drawing.

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Measure the length and width of any square or rectangular recesses. These often include closets or bathrooms that you are part of a flooring or tile project. Measuring square or rectangular recesses is the same as measuring the main area of the room. Measure the width and length of the recess, then multiply the length and width to find the area of the recess.

  • Write down the result in the recessed area of your drawing.

  • Repeat this step if there are multiple recesses in the room.

Calculate the area of any round recesses. Measure the longest length (usually through the centre) and width of the break. Only measure the edge of the main site you already measured. Next, divide the measurement by two. Then, multiply this number by the width. Now, multiply the total by pi (3.14). Lastly, divide the area in half.

  • Record the number in the recessed area of your drawing.

  • Now you have the area of the U-shaped protrusion in the room.

  • The area in a bay window recess should only be included as part of the area of the room if it has a floor (rather than a seat) and the ceiling is at least seven feet or 2.13 m high.

Add all of the areas together to get the total floor area. Add the areas of all recesses to the main floor area. Now, you have the total square footage of your floor, and you can purchase carpet, flooring, or other materials accordingly.

Once you’ve measured the floor, you will need to go for the walls and the ceiling - this matters when you are getting a paint job for your home!

2. Measuring The Walls

Make a drawing of all the walls you need to measure. Include doors and windows in your drawing as well.

To calculate the area of a wall, use the standard (Width) x (Height) = Area formula. Using a measuring tape, measure the width and height of the wall. Since walls can be tall, you might need help getting the measurement right. Record the measurements in your drawing.

Multiply the length and width. This will equal the total square footage of the wall. Write this number down.

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Measure the length and width of any doors, fixtures, or windows. Record the length and width of any doors or windows on your drawing.

Multiply the length and width of any doors, fixtures, or windows. Use a calculator to multiply the length and width of any doors or windows present. Record each individual totally. These measurements indicate the square footage of any doors, windows, or fixtures.

Add the total areas of any doors, fixtures, or windows. This only applies to walls that have more than one door, fixture, or window.

This can be used to buy paint or wallpaper for your home!

3. Measuring The Room’s Perimeter

Measure the length and width of a square or rectangular room. Use the standard 2(Length + Width) = Perimeter formula to find the perimeter of a room. Using a measuring tape, find the length and width of the room.

Add the length and the width, then multiply the answer by two. This will calculate the perimeter of the room.

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Measure an irregularly shaped room manually. If the room you are measuring is not square or rectangular, you must measure each side of the room’s perimeter. Work your way around the room’s edge with a measuring tape, recording the length of each side of the room.

Add all the measurements together. Use a calculator to add up every measurement you took of the irregularly shaped room. The result of this calculation is the length of the perimeter of the room.

4. Measuring The Ceilings

Calculate the floor area, as described earlier. If the ceiling is flat, by calculating the floor area, you now have your ceiling area as well. For rectangular and square rooms with flat ceilings, the area of the floor is the same as the ceiling’s area.

Measure any additions to the ceiling area separately. This step only applies to ceilings that are not flat. Many shelters also have alcoves and window bays that stick out; measure the width and depth of any cavities or window bays. Record all measurements.

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  • A ceiling that slopes or has recesses or variations of any kind will have a larger surface area than the floor, so keep that in mind when buying materials (i.e. buy a little extra).

  • You will probably need a ladder to reach the ceiling for measurement.

Add extra ceiling measurements to the area of the room!

5. Measuring Entries and Passages

It is very important to get accurate measurements for entries and passages because your furniture will have to pass through these to get to where you have planned to place it ultimately.

  • Measure all the entries, passages, stairways and doorways through which your furniture has to travel to get to its destination.

  • When you are measuring, make sure you have all the accurate width, height, and diagonal width.

  • You should also make a note of any corners that will need to be turned in a hallway.

  • Don't forget to make a note of any light fixtures, railings or architectural impediments along the way. These can potentially create problems in moving your furniture in if you are not aware of them.

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Any furniture you buy should have some clearance around it and be at least 4 inches less than the passage measurements. This will allow you or the furniture delivery people to move it easily.

Although your interior designer will likely take care of these measurements, keeping them in mind is helpful to ensure your living space is properly designed and decorated.

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