5 Simple Tips To Get The Perfectly Tiled Floor!

Apparently, the art of tiling can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians tombs, temples and pyramids!

And, it’s as popular today! Tiling can be a fun way of jazzing up your home! The right kind of tiles can go a long way in lending purpose, adding pops of colour and creating masterstrokes of artistic aestheticism that can be further built-to-suit a kitchen, living room or a bathroom’s requirements!

We rounded up a comprehensive line-up of tips that will guide you through your tile installation process. You up for it?

The right kind of tiles can go a long way in lending purpose, adding pops of colour and creating masterstrokes of artistic aestheticism that can be further built-to-suit a kitchen, living room or a bathroom's requirements! We rounded up a comprehensive line-up of tips that will guide you through your tile installation process.

To tile or not to tile?

Whether you’re a modern day Pharaoh or not, tiles can impart eloquent textural modulations to your home and if you get it right, can make your home look elegant and stylish, almost palatial. What’s more, aside from simply making a humdrum flooring more colourful and imaginative, a good tiling job can notch up the beauty of the home many, many levels up.

Likewise, a patchy, uneven installation job can make the floor look shabby and shambolic – and no matter how expensive the tile maybe, can ruin the look and feel of an otherwise well done up house. What’s more, a less-than-careful tile contractor who cares a hoot about attention to detail or precise measurements can cause tile breakage and wastage – both of which can be an expensive affair.

Hence, in the order of things, zeroing down on an experienced tile installation professional, checking for the chosen flooring’s temperature and humidity acclimatising nature, co-ordinating the décor with the flooring and last but not the least, getting the tile installation spot on, are your best and safest bets.

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Here’s A Toil-Free Tile Installation Guide!

The thought of the house being ravaged by an army of flooring installers and tile setters can be quite overwhelming for some. A process that is not for the faint-hearted, tile installation does involve stripping, sanding, dust and the jarring sound of power tools; hence, the general consensus is that this is a job best left to the pros of architecture and interior decoration.

Another thing to bear in mind is that there are a host of different flooring options out there! So, if you’re on a DIY quest, it would be a good idea to begin with some preliminary homework pertaining to the material (tile, stone, wood and more) and list them down against the typical weather conditions in your home city. Understandably, there will also be budgetary and flooring durability considerations to think of - so take pen to paper and jot all the advantages and disadvantages arduously.

Below, we’ve listed some clever tips to ensure your tile installation is an absolute, glitch-free success!

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1. Bring out the blueprint!

God is in the details, and especially so when it comes to the tiling of floors. Armed with a nook to cranny measurement of the room layout, plan and chalk out the areas that will be tiled – and then go one step ahead and pen down the specs of where the grout lines will be and where the cuts will appear. This way you’ll have a systematic idea about the number of tiles that need to be purchased as well as having a fair idea on the peripheral, and door entryway measurements.

It is worth remembering that there is wastage and you need to factor that in too. A wise rule of thumb is to pre-order a few boxes (approx 10-12%) in advance as a prep towards this wastage, aside from keeping aside a few tiles for future use – just in case chips, cracks and damages appear over time.

2. Inspect and check each box thoroughly!

The tiles, they wont be coming cheap, so you’d do good to bring out the magnifying glass and assume the role of a pseudo Sherlock. You’ll want to ensure you don’t get fleeced by bringing home any sub-standard stuff, so make sure to personally inspect every box carefully while checking for chips, cracks, damages, discolourations and uneven tones and textures (unless it is a natural stone and as expected).

3. Prep the subfloor – Don’t skip this!

This is one of the most important steps that will go a long way in ensuring a smooth tile installation experience. What is the subfloor, you might ask? The surface on which the tiles will be installed forms the subfloor and practically speaking, it WILL serve as the foundation upon which the flooring installers and tile setters will lay the tiles on.

Any glitches in the foundation mean glitches in the subsequent flooring. Hence, ensure that the subfloor is absolutely level and without any undulating variations.

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Now, with a smooth, clean and grime free surface, the installer and tile setter will get to work with the adjoining walls. Typically, the walls of the said room will be cut and broken off to create space for the skirting. In most cases, the typical skirting elevation is 4-6 inches above the floor, however, depending on the style and décor may be a few inches more or less.

4. A dry run is a must!

Once the order has been placed and the tiles have been delivered at your doorstep, you can commence with a dry run prior to the final installation. Lay out the tiles and place the same kind together, allowing for a little creativity here and there.

Ensure that the tile contractor handles the tiles carefully and lays them out according to your plan. Now, step back and take a long, hard look at the floor. If you like the way it looks, leave it be, and let the tile contractor go on ahead with the next step.

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5. The grout and curing process!

Once the tiles have been set and the tile adhesive applied, the curing process will begin. Taking anything between 12 to 24 hours, the adhesive will harden following which the grout will be applied. Grout is used for sealing the joints between the tiles and works as a strengthener for the tiles. Before application, ask to see the grout colour as the grouting colour will not only be clearly visible but will also need to match the floor tiles.

Patience is a virtue now my friend, as before you can step foot on your newly tiled floor, you’ll have to wait for the grout to cure for about 24 hours!

Post your 24 hour wait, the contractor will give it a good cleansing rub (no harsh acids or heavy duty detergents please) with a mild soap and water solution, following which, bingo – your sparkling, new tiled floor is ready for use!

If you are looking for expert advice on getting your home done up, get in touch with Hipcouch today!

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