Awesome Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Spotless and Germ-free

Health and hygiene are the foremost priority in the post-pandemic world. As a result, simple practices like washing hands, wearing masks, and keeping the surroundings and surfaces clean are gaining prominence. 

Food safety is also coming under the lens as people are more concerned about the quality and hygiene in food preparation. When it comes to food safety, it all boils down to the source of food preparation, namely the kitchen. So how can we ensure that our kitchens  (the heart of any home) are spotless and germ-free? Let’s find out.

Splendid Tips to keep your Kitchen Spotless and Germ-free

Practically, most parts of the kitchen are susceptible to germs. Here is an infographic on the ten items of the kitchen that contain the most germs.


Here are some exciting tips on how to keep various areas of your kitchen germ-free and clean. Vital Areas of Kitchen to be addressed:

1. Gas Stoves

Gas stoves could be a breeding ground for germs. Therefore, it is best to clean them after every meal preparation, as this not only ensures a good hygiene practice but helps keep the gas stove running for years. Here are some tips to keep the gas stove clean:

  • Wipe away any cooking overflows immediately because, if left as is, they tend to sink into the burners deeper or get dry on the surface of the stove It will only make cleaning difficult.

  • Check the burners for any clogs. Clogged burners can turn into a kitchen hazard if not appropriately maintained, plus the stoves also become less fuel-efficient. 

  • Soak burners in soapy water for some time and then rinse. One can also use toothbrushes to de-clog the pores of the burners.

  • You can also wash the grates by soaking them in warm soapy water to clean them off any residues. 

  • Ensure that the burners are completely dry before replacing them.

  • While the traditional methods of gas top cleaning using water and soap work well, other methods like baking soda, ammonia, white vinegar, etc., that help make cleaning the gas top a breeze.

The idea is to ensure the burners, as well as the top, is spotless.  However, some abrasives may not be appropriate for some oven tops, hence follow the manufacturer’s information before proceeding. 

2. Kitchen Countertops & Slabs

With so much activity happens on the Kitchen countertops - right from chopping and food preparation to cooking and storing - cross contaminations can quickly occur here. 

Hence, it is vital to clean and disinfect kitchen countertops regularly. Use traditional soap and water or a mild non-abrasive cleaner. Try to avoid acidic natural cleaners like lemon juice and vinegar, as they can etch the surface. Regularly cleaning the kitchen countertops and slabs will help maintain the kitchen and make your job easy on a day-to-day basis.

3. Chopping Boards

Another item prone to cross-contamination is the cutting or chopping board. Since cutting boards come into direct contact with the food we eat, one must ensure that they are always kept spic and span.

You must:

  • Use a mixture of lemon water and salt to clean the boards to disinfect them naturally. 

  • Dishwashers are great for cleaning chopping boards as they clean them under high temperatures.

  • Never put any ready-to-eat food items like salad or loaves of bread on cutting boards where you’ve chopped uncooked items like meats or eggs. 

  • Always clean the board thoroughly before putting any fruit or ready-to-eat item on the board.

  • Ideally, use separate boards for meat and raw food items.

  • Ensure the boards are thoroughly cleaned if they’re textured. 

  • Experts agree that changing chopping boards more often (at least once a year) is a healthy option if you use them regularly. 

The idea is to not only keep the chopping board visibly clean but also internally. 

4. Utensils, Accessories & Storage Containers/Cabinets

Kitchen utensils and accessories (like knives, spatulas, especially rubber ones), wooden spoons, tongs, manual blenders and churners, mortar and pestle, etc.) form an integral part of food preparation. Hence one must clean them thoroughly after every use, else, they can contaminate other food.

Ideally, you must clean the storage containers every time the content is over. This is because certain items stored in containers like lentils, for example, tend to get infested with pests over some time. Hence it is better to wash these storage containers with soap water after every use, then dry them thoroughly before refilling.

Another area prone to pests and cockroaches is the storage cabinets. Hence check storage areas and cabinets regularly (at least once a month) for any signs of insects or cockroaches. 

5. Kitchen Equipments

The modern kitchen boasts of many types of equipment like blenders, microwaves, mixers, grinders, OTG’s (oven, toaster, griller) refrigerators, and more. Unfortunately, most of these types of equipment, especially microwaves, tend to become messy and greasy soon.

For instance, if you have an expensive fridge with a water dispenser, you’re up for some shocking news. Studies have shown that water dispensers in refrigerators can have more than 40,000 bacteria groups.  

In addition, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) found that the refrigerator meat compartment had the most E.coli than any other area in the kitchen and the second most Salmonella (eww? But, it’s a fact).  

Similarly, the gaskets in the blenders (often overlooked parts) commonly contain mould, yeast, E.coli, and Salmonella, according to NSF.

Hence, whatever be the equipment, one must keep it sanitized and clean. One must clean and disinfect appliances like microwaves and refrigerators at least once a week using recommended cleansers.

6. Kitchen Wipes and Dishcloths

Kitchen wipes and dishcloths are often the overlooked components when it comes to kitchen disinfection. Dirty, damp dishcloths are the perfect spot for the bacteria to breed. So it is essential to wash the kitchen wipes, dishcloths, and sponges regularly and dry them properly before reusing them. 

Ideally, keep different sets of dishcloths for various jobs. This will prevent bacteria from getting transferred from one prone area to another and will arrest the spread.

Another good option would be to use disposable kitchen wipes. One can use some anti-bacterial wipes every day for areas like sink and countertops. 

And almost always use a disinfected material to dry the interiors of utensils, should you do that. Or else, it’s wise not to clean the insides of crockeries and utensils and let them normally dry after washing. 

7. The Kitchen Floor

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Kitchen floors are a potential place for bacteria to breed. Sweep and mop the kitchen floor daily and ensure that the floor is always dry. Also, deep clean the kitchen floor once a week to minimise the growth of pathogens. 

There are tons of floor cleaners available in the market, and some are specifically designed to clean the kitchen floor off the grease and grime, unlike any other place in the house. 

To sum up, a well maintained and well-designed kitchen will help you in the long run and make your daily kitchen chores way better and more manageable.

When it comes to designing your kitchen, Hipcouch offers a premium end–to–end service. Choose from an excellent range of functional and easy-to-clean kitchen designs. Get in touch with our experts today!