Interior Decor Trends To Watch Out For In 2019!

From the drawing boards of interior decorators and architects to the fashion capitals of the world, from the sketchbooks of artsy objets d'art creators to the random musings of color design professionals, here’s a guide on the ‘What’s-In & What’s out’ in home design 2019.

You ready?

From Fads To Timeless Fashion – Confessions Of An Interior Decorator!

While the year 2018 saw a slew of advancements as far as techno-savvy home improvement appliances and eco-friendly materials & outfitting alternatives were concerned, interior decorators and home décor guru’s opine that whimsical fads per se, have had their time. Now the focus has quietly but perceptibly shifted to décor that is fashionable, timeless and long-lasting.

The reason for this tactical shift, you might ask?

Indeed, lives are busier now, and without a doubt, nobody has the time or money to redecorate apartment décor now and then. The shift in ideas is now to create inspiring spaces that outlive fads and allow for the house inhabitants to grow with the eternal beauty of the area around them. The consensus isn’t any longer that of Trashing but of Treasuring!

That said, the year 2019 will see a cognizant move towards consolidating the Four R's-Reduce, Reuse, Act Responsibly and Reuse - Especially with regard to artisanal furniture, Minimalism – In relation to power-saving lights & handcrafted furnishings and lastly, Adaptability - with respect to color families that everlast, empower and evolve alongside the house members long after fads have passed.

Home is where the heart is…

Keeping in line with the above-stated values, the home décor trends will tend to favor Comfort, Cosiness, and Well-Being. Equally, there has been massive alignment with these central ideas, and we believe the sky will be the limit when it comes to factoring these principles in home décor in the forthcoming year too.

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Think smooth nudes to warm tones on walls, responsibly sourced furniture, mood-lighting that save electricity, organic oil-based aroma diffusers with fragrances such as rosewood, lavender & bergamot, and naturally occurring stone floors such as slate and travertine that keep the home cool/warm even in extreme weather conditions.

These trends, we think, will overshadow everything else in 2019.

So without further ado, let's get started!

1. On the walls? Easy does it!

From muted jewel tones to dark rich hues, from tangerines, powder & baby blues to blood orange and pumpkin tones, the dominant color in 2019 will tend to tilt in favor of warm to soothing colors that are easy on the eye.

The purpose behind this inclination reflects most peoples need to unwind in an open, welcoming space that removes worldly stresses instead of inducing them by imitating overwhelming and aggressive-toned colors.

2. Light em’ up!

Notice how customer preferences seem to have shifted from mass-produced fixtures to hand-crafted, mood-lighting that save electricity. This change in preference is being credited to the way that individuals would preferably like to illuminate their homes with something that has been attentively and affectionately made as opposed to acquiring precisely the same thing their neighbor may have.

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In light of this, the trends will skew towards natural materials and combination light fixtures that are energy-efficient. Sourced from neighboring artisan’s that specialize in hand-crafted accuracy, the light fixtures will deviate from bling to minimal. Think many-sided chandelier with multi-ports, combination pendant lights, long suspensions, sconces and lamps in ceramics and vintage glass.

3. Size matters no more…

Consciousness is everything, and when it comes to the furniture you will be sitting, sleeping, resting and lounging on, the mindfulness becomes even more critical.

Thus, the year 2019 will see moral, naturally cognizant, environmentally conscious furniture that will have been built on the standards of the Four R's-Reduction, Reusability, Responsibility and Recycling capabilities. The materials hence used will have been sourced from sustainable resources and reused products. Besides, it will be easy on the pocket and will conform to the ethical standards of business practice.

So be it beds, sofa sets, dining table sets, cupboards, and metal-based furniture pieces, the preference will be biased towards environmentally conscious furniture.

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4. Naturally occurring stone floors…

This one's a no-brainer – For interior decorators and architects have been expounding this eco-friendly décor concept since long.

Well-known for its ‘green’ factor as well as its non-VOC emitting properties, naturally occurring stone tiles are renowned for being one-hundred percent sustainable and recyclable.  But that’s not all; the forthcoming trends forecast that people will be heavily in favor of natural stone that has neither utilized any petroleum-based adhesives nor has employed any unethical resources during the quarrying and material procurement process.

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The big plus for natural stones is the longevity and the ease of maintenance process after installation. Besides, some rocks have organic cooling and heat-retaining properties, so if you’re living in a zone prone to geographical extremities, installing a stone flooring or tabletop will be an excellent idea for a stone and nature-inspired home.

What ‘look’ do you want for your home in 2019?

Now that you know exactly what’s going to be HOT and what NOT, be sure to cherry pick a home decor option that will inspire and infuse your life with color, comfort, coziness, and well-being all year through!

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